Trip to Lake Powell: Rainbow Cruise

13 March 1984

There is something in the harmony of sky and rock and water — something that ensnares the soul in the flow of time.  In the mystical canyons of the Glen, grasp infinity in the palm of your hand. 
Find eternity in an hour.

From: Glen Canyon-Lake Powell  The Story Behind the Scenery

This was the day of our Rainbow Cruise on Lake Powell.  We had a beautiful day for the 100-mile (160 km) roundtrip cruise.  Our boat trip took us to several points of interest hidden in the nooks and crannies of what used to be Glen Canyon, including its most prominent feature — Rainbow Bridge (see next blog post).

[Click the map for the “Official” Guide for Lake Powell]

Of the 11 rolls of film Mui shot on this trip, most were taken during this cruise.  In those pre-digital days of photography, that was quite an investment for a 5-day trip!!!

We boarded our boat at Wahweap Marina.
(Wahweap is a Paiute word that means bitter or bad water.)

Castle Rock represented Mt Sinai in the movie The Greatest Story Ever Told,
which was filmed before the canyon was flooded.

Gunsight Butte was the scene of the flight from Egypt to Jerusalem
in the movie The Greatest Story Ever Told.

The first 35 minutes of the Planet of the Apes was filmed on this mesa.

Can you find the boat in the rock?

Left: This formation is characterized as the Needle and Eye.
right: the needle

The Eye

Forbidding Canyon
the local indians knew navajo Mountain (on the left) as the head of earth.

Forbidding Canyon

Whiskey Cave  was named for its obvious hangover!

Dangling Rope Canyon was initially named Hanging Rope Canyon
for the ropes that miners used to lower themselves to the canyon floor.

It was a great day for a water tour of Lake Powell.

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