Mui Becomes a Naturalized Citizen

1 April 1985

If you’re married to a US citizen, or if you’re serving in the armed forces of the US, you do not have to wait five years to become a citizen.  You can do so in three years instead.  Being two for two on that score, in January 1985 Mui took the necessary classes, passed the requisite tests, and initiated the required paperwork to change his status as a green card holder.

And so it was that on this date Mui became a citizen of these United States.  The ceremony was short and sweet, and was held in a Salt Lake City courtroom.  Presiding over the proceedings was Judge Aldon J. Anderson.

First Mui said his piece about why he wanted to become a citizen, ...

... then he took the oath.

The guest speaker was KSL TV’s anchorman, Dick Nourse.

congratulatory Letter from President Ronald Reagan.

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