Happy Birthday Mui

January 15, 1982

We didn’t know anyone in Seattle; my aunts and uncles all lived in New Hampshire and Massachusetts, and my brother was in Kansas.  So, why did we choose to start our life in the US on the West Coast?  Because, we believed the employment opportunities for a couple of newcomers might be better there.

We will be forever grateful to friends of friends who graciously opened their home to a couple of strangers and helped ease us into life in the US.  We lived with the “Haggs” (as Patty often refers to themselves) for about a month, until I found a job in Tacoma and we moved into our own apartment.

While we were still living with the Haggs, we celebrated Mui’s first birthday in the US.  The party started at home (sorry about the champagne shower Mui gave you, Patty) and continued at Farrell’s Ice Cream Parlour.  (Alas they seem to no longer be in Washington.)

(With Michael and Molly)

Patty’s got Mui’s number!

Mui’s first visit to an ice cream parlor was a memorable one.

Thanks to the Haggs, Mui had a birthday celebration to remember.

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